Hilarious Poem About Aging

Source Unknown: If you know the source of this poem, please let us know so we can give them credit.

It’s time to ‘fess up,
We ain’t gettin’ younger,
‘Stead of gourmet,
It’s hot broth that we hunger.

Our bones are a-creakin’
(Though we claim it’s the chair)
And somehow the sheen’s
Disappeared from our hair.

We droop and we sag,
Where we used to be tight;
A soak in the tub’s …
A wild Saturday night.

Kinda smarts when you realize
As we get to this stage,
When they say … “What a figure!”
They’re talkin’ ‘bout our age!



By Xenos on August 16, 2009

By Mollie on August 16, 2009


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