Different Forms of Resveratrol

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You’ve probably heard about resveratrol on television, the Internet, or in a magazine as it’s become very popular over the past 10 years. Every one of these information sources confirms that resveratrol is an amazing compound that offers great benefits to many different areas of your body. Primarily found in the skins of red grapes, this compound can help your body prevent and fight of various types of cancer, aid in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, help you lose weight, and significantly lower your risk of heart disease. There are a few different ways to make sure you are including enough resveratrol in your diet to reap some of these great benefits.

The most common way people have been getting a good dose of resveratrol is through red wines and grape juice. A typical glass of red wine contains between .005 and 1.0 milligrams of resveratrol depending on how it’s produced and what type of wine it is. Grape juice contains about ½ as much. While red wine is a great way to get this substance into your body, you need to remember to drink in moderation. 1-2 glasses every other day is enough to get the benefits without having the potential to actually have the alcohol increase your risk of strokes or other harmful effects.

Dietary supplements are a way to get the most resveratrol possible without drinking a lot of wine and grape juice. Supplements use dried and concentrated grape skins and other sources of resveratrol and puts it into easy to swallow capsules. Depending on the manufacturer, you can get supplements that offer almost 200mg of resveratrol per capsule. There’s no other way to ingest that much resveratrol at once safely.

Topical lotions and creams are also becoming popular because they may help prevent skin cancer and signs of aging. Resveratrol creams are really starting to take off as more and more research is done to help confirm that they do actually prevent damage to your skin.

It’s definitely better to be on the safe side when it comes to environmental factors that can damage your body in various ways so by including some resveratrol in your daily routine might be worth taking a look at.

31Click here for the #1 Resveratrol Product on the market today!



By Adara on April 25, 2009

By Lee on April 25, 2009


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