Ultra Res Review


Note: CLICK HERE For a men’s Resv product that is extremely popular.

Ultra Res Review:

Ultra Res just came in with this new product that lots of people are taking to early. Let’s look at the 4 things they brag about on their banners and website. Needless to say if they can really come through with these figures then we’d be in business. Ultra Res says it can:

– Protect Your Heart (we think those are pretty wild claims for anyone)

Boost Your Energy

– Burn Unwanted Fat

– Look Years Younger

If you pay shipping and handling today, you can get a trial sample of Ultra Res in the mail.




By on October 22, 2009

Well of course we listed only what the site claimed. That's why we have a review system in place so our readers can review the products for us. Do you think the people here take 100 different pills a day? We are a listing website, the readers in large part make up the reviews including this of Ultra Res

By Carol Robbins on October 22, 2009

In response to the "ultra res review" - it was stupid. There was no background on the product, you made no claims against the product and only stated "their" claims but did not refute them. Not sure what your point was, but this was not a review for or against the product. On another note, I agree with Sue and am a little embarrased to say I'm one of the suckers. As 50 swiftly approaches, I was hoping for a miracle in a bottle ( I play lotto too). They got me for $270.00 hitting my account twice a month. So I went to the bank (ok, my husband went to the bank),and because it it fraud, we were reimbursed the $270.00 and we both received new debit/credit cards with new account numbers. You will have to fill out a Transaction Dispute /Error form, but big deal you get your funds back and now your bank is after those sons of guns. I suppose there are several lessons for me to learn from this blip in my life (or maybe not), but for sure it reminded me to reconcile your accounts in a timely manner or at least look at your bank statement Monthly and more often if you have online banking. AND A HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL


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