Absolute Acai Pills

1. Absolute Acai for MEN

2. Absolute Acai for WOMEN

The Absolute Acai pills can now be ordered directly online and the shipping is reduced. There was some concern about how fast Absolute acai Pills got to your house after ordering but that issue is all cleared up now. The interesting part about this supplement is that if you are from certain countries you will be eligible for a free trial 14-day sample.

Order Absolute Acai Pills

Use the promo code “DiscountNow”

absolutebottleAbsoluteAcaiBerry.com (use discount “DISCOUNTNOW”)

The key is to buy absolute acai online, that’s how to get it shipped internationally.



By Lyle on November 24, 2009

Is this available in every country? I'm in NZ and I really want to try this, I see it but those guys say it's not available in NZ... AH help!

By Ben on November 24, 2009

Worked great, highly recommended. Absolute acai berry is seen often around the gym too ; )


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