Acai Slim UK


Acai Slim UK is not currently found in any stores, however, you can order it to any UK address as long as you use the code ‘greatdetox’ or use the link below. The discount code actually knocks the shipping and handling charges down to dirt cheap. This is a great chance since products like acaioptimum are not available to UK.

If you are in the UK, you know about the acai berry because it’s being advertised to us many times. For those of you that are immune to the constant rays of advertising we face on a daily basis, I applaud you. For the rest of us, acai slim United Kingdom is becoming pretty popular, both here and the USA.

You can get a risk free trial sample of Acai Slim in UK, enter the code “greatdetox” at checkout.

acai slim UK



By okoli chinelo on January 8, 2010

will like to have your trial version of the Acai slim for me to get slim.please do get back to with my email as i will be waiting for your kind reply please. thanks,


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